Palliative Care Educational Session

  • 11 Jan 2021
  • 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM
  • Zoom Audio/Video

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Palliative Care Educational Session

January 11, 5pm-6:15pm

Zoom Audio/Video (Login Information in Registration Confirmation)

Join us for an informative session to learn more about palliative care, how to access it, how to have skilled conversations about care preferences, and much more. Presenters include: Dr. David Windler (Compass Oncology), Megan Guerre, and Jaime Kiff. There will be a Q&A segment after the presentations.

PowerPoint here

Zoom video presentation here/passcode: tSB.!3Ta

About the Presenters:

Dr. Windler is a palliative medicine physician who has trained in internal medicine and pediatrics. With his specialized training, he is able to partner with our patients to assist with the symptoms and stress that can be a part of cancer and its treatments. He is passionate about connecting with patients, families, and the rest of the oncology team to build customized plans that focus on each patient's individual goals, needs, and values.

Megan Guerre is a third-year medical student at OHSU and a board member of the Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Oregon and Southwest Washington. Megan’s motivation for working with gynecologic oncology patients stems from her personal experience with a relative’s ovarian cancer journey. This experience sparked interests in women’s health, patient education, and the provision of medicine through a patient-centered care model. In future practice, Megan plans to provide evidenced-based treatments as well as emotional and supportive care as part of a holistic, whole-person approach to medicine.

Jaime Kiff is a fourth-year medical student at OHSU who is currently pursuing a residency in obstetrics and gynecology. She has a particular interest in gynecologic oncology because of the intersection of women's health and cancer care. She aims to provide her future patients with not only quality oncologic care, but also compassionate, supportive care to fulfill each person's unique, individual needs. She enjoys working with people from all walks of life at every stage of their care.